FIPA Activities



The Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) Gordan Milinić participated on 22 May 2017 in Belgrade at the Vienna Economic Talks.

At the panel entitled "Regional cooperation on the EU path," the Director Milinić spoke about the investment potentials of the region, previous cooperation and proposals for improving future cooperation. He pointed out that only through mutual cooperation and more intensive promotion of the region we can attract significant attention of the world business community.

"Countries in the region can only through cooperation provide stability and long-term prosperity, and it is necessary that the economic connection between countries in the region is constantly improving with strengthening the competitiveness. Coordinated action is essential for further enhancement of the regional cooperation and the economic development, and for intensifying the process of the European integration, as a key strategic commitment of countries in the region.

The EU influence is very important for more intensive regional cooperation. Despite the many challenges it is facing, EU must strengthen its presence in the Western Balkans through a clear European perspective and acceleration of the accession process, intensify further democratization and transformation of the region's countries "said Milinić.

After the official panel, the FIPA Director had meetings with representatives of foreign companies who wanted to know more information about the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, incentives and tax system, as well as attractive sectors and projects ready for implementation.

During the panel, a special attention was focused on the opinion of Mr Milinić related to the transformation of CEFTA in the regional custom union.

Testimonials & Success Stories

„FIPA has made a very significant contribution to the promotion of our operations in BiH and I would like to thank all the professionals who supported the endorsement of foreign investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina”

Nihad Imamović, BiH Auto Industry

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