FIPA Activities

FIPA participated at the Economic Forum of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Germany


The Deputy Director of FIPA Blaženka Mišković, as a keynote speaker in the panel discussion, "Experience, opportunities and Perspectives of German-BiH Economic Cooperation" took part at Bosnia and Herzegovina-Germany Business Forum "New Ways of Joint Cooperation", held in Berlin on 12 May 2017.

The Deputy Director pointed out that despite the many challenges faced by BiH, there are great opportunities for German investors who want to expand their business activities outside of the EU market. She stressed that foreign investors, having overcome initial barriers, are successfully operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina and reinvest their profit. This was also confirmed by the representatives of German companies that have already operated in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Representatives of the German companies: GS – Machines Factory Travnik, ProCredit Bank AG Deutschland, Veritas AG, Robotics Center in Tuzla, Hemofarm Group shared on this occasion their experiences on business conditions in BiH.

According to representatives of these companies, one of the biggest challenges they face is the lack of manpower and the emigration of young and educated people from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The forum was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of BiH, Embassy of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Germany, with the support of the German Ministry of Economy and Energy in Berlin. It was attended by more than 100 representatives of business, political and public life of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany and other countries.

Testimonials & Success Stories
“Despite the global economic crisis, the BIH banking was remained stable.
The interest rates in our country are also more favourable than those ones in the region”.

Kemal Kozarić, Governor of the BiH Central Bank.
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