FIPA Activities



The BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Hungarian Agency for Investment and Development of Trade (ITDH), in cooperation with the BiH Embassy in Budapest, the BiH Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations and FIPA, organized the BiH-Hungary Business Forum in Budapest on 20th October 2010.

The Forum was organised in order to extend economic cooperation between the two countries, to improve export of the BiH companies at the Hungarian market and to attract Hungarian investments in BiH.

Within the Forum, the FIPA representative, Drago Vucic, had a presentation on investments opportunities and possibilities for running business in BiH in different sectors for Hungarian business people.

19 companies from BiH and 34 Hungarian representatives participated in this event.

The bilateral meetings between the business people were also held.

Testimonials & Success Stories
„There is great interest for investment in infrastructure and energy projects in BiH“
Alessandro Profumo, Director of UniCredit Group.
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