FIPA Activities

Socks factory Ključ is looking for investor


After invitation by the Socks Factory Ključ Sarajevo, the Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) Gordan Milinić with his associates visited this company and talked with the Director Jasmin Seferović on the business plans of the distinguishable brand of BiH.

The factory Ključ was founded in 1896 and in its tradition of over 120 years it has been producing all types of men's, women's and children's socks and tights. Until 1992, the factory had an annual production of 23 million pairs of socks, and it has currently produced approximately 6 million pairs per year.

Although the factory has the most modern machinery, skilled labour force, excellent reputation and quality, the use of the production capacity is currently still below the real potential. For this reason, the factory is interested in partnership with foreign investor for joint investment in the production expansion and export of products at the international market.

It was agreed that within the projects from the textile industry in BiH, FIPA offers to potential investors investing in the factory Ključ.

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