FIPA Activities

FIPA and Ministry of Environment and Tourism of FBiH


 The Director of the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency of BiH (FIPA) Gordan Milinić and the Minister of the FBiH Ministry of Environment and Tourism Edita Đapo met to discuss joint activities in order to attract foreign investors in projects of tourism and environment protection, and to organize joint promotion of the currently available from these fields.

Commenting on the trend of inflow of foreign investments in BiH in recent years, Mr Milinić pointed out the fact that the political turbulences in the second and third quarter of 2016 (organizing a referendum in the function of the election campaign of SNSD, and in this regard recalling secession and war by some parties) are directly related to the decline in the inflow of foreign investments. In this period, at the beginning of meeting at FIPA, potential investors made questions about the political situation and expressed concern for capital that they would eventually invested.

Speaking about activities of FIPA on promotion of BiH as an investment location, the Director Milinić pointed out among other things that the promotion itself cannot compensate shortcomings of the system, and that all relevant institutions should be engaged on the removal of barriers to facilitate running business in our country.

In its database of contacts, FIPA has 6,700 potential investors with whom it communicates through various communication channels on investment opportunities and that FIPA wants to animate to show greater interest in the BiH projects. Among more than 500 investment projects and locations that FIPA offers to foreign investors, there is a larger number of projects in the field of tourism, for which there is a great interest of foreign investors.

The Minister Đapo presented information on 100 investment projects of the Government of FBiH among which there are projects of tourism and the environment, and that the Ministry is currently working on creating recycling yards in FBiH.

It was concluded that problems related to the environment protection slow down faster coming of foreign investors in certain projects, including some energy projects worth several billion of BAM.

It was agreed that FIPA and Ministry jointly participate in conferences where projects in the field of tourism and the environment are promoted and where all relevant institutions are trying to attract as many foreign investors, and that this year they organize an Investment Conference on investing in tourism in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Testimonials & Success Stories

Global Investment Promotion Best Practices 2012 of the World Bank has cited one example of support that FIPA provides to foreign investors who are running business in Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to contribute to increase the flow of foreign capital in the country.

The article said:  

„The Foreign Investment Promotion Agency (FIPA) of Bosnia and Herzegovina was an early convert to the idea of providing facilitation services to agribusiness investors as a way to maximize the positive impact of agriculture on the economy.

In 2007, for example, FIPA assisted a Dutch food processing company establish a US$1.6 million production facility to process unused milk ingredients into value-added products in Sarajevo to sell to markets in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

As part of its aftercare program, FIPA assisted the company with its expansion plans. Among other things, the agency helped facilitate veterinary permissions, navigate various bureaucratic hurdles and played an important role in securing funding for the company’s expansion. It also helped develop a network of local suppliers and customers. As a result of these efforts, the Dutch investor developed stronger links with the Bosnian economy, thus increasing the positive spillover effects on the local economy.

Currently a new investment to establish a drying facility for milk powder is under way. This will further expand the processing facilities of unused milk ingredients. This additional planned investment is worth approximately US$2.8 million, thus nearly trebling the company’s original investment in the country“.


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